LEGO Batman: The Movie – DC Super Heroes Unite

LEGO Batman

Toymaker LEGO has been steadily expanding beyond the simple bricks many of us remember from our childhoods. These days the sets are dazzling, in their detail and range and represent many imaginary universes, rooted in popular films, stories and also worlds LEGO themselves have created.

To support this, LEGO moved some time ago in video games and also into making films. Often these are short features, run on the web or as part of TV programming, but increasingly stretching out to (shorter) feature length as well. LEGO Batman is an example of this, drawing on most of the Justice League characters and placing them in a very LEGO-looking animated Gotham City.

While this film is simple fun, aimed at younger audiences, it is also a very entertaining ride for older fans as well. The relationship between Batman and Superman is played for a lot of good humoured laughs and the whole thing, harks back to a campier less “dark” era of comic book adaptation. Surprisingly entertaining.

About Fernando Gros

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