Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) is a medical specialist on her maiden space flight when disaster strikes and threatens not just her own mission but the lives of all her crew. She must rely on the experienced astronaut Matt Kowalsky (George Clooney) if she is to stand any chance of survival.
By way of narrative, Gravity gives us very little beyond this setup. Once disaster strikes, early in the film, we are simply along for the ride. It is quite literally a breathtaking experience.
This film is a technical marvel; from the truly immersive CGI, to the brilliant sound editing, liberated and fluid camera work and precise score Gravity is testament to director Alfonso Cuarón’s unique cinematic sensibility.
Gravity completes its story in a taunt and sinewy 91 minutes. The fact this film manages to evoke the vastness of space and the fragility of human life within it in such a short span of time is testament to how well constructed and relentlessly edited this work is. There is nothing extraneous or unnecessary in the crafting of this film and everything works to create a complete cinematic experience. One of the best films of its kind ever made.
This film was discussed on our podcast and you can also read James’ extended review here.