Meat Hooked


As the TV comedy Portlandia so eloquently quipped, “the dream of the 1890s is alive,” and not just in Portland it seems. Meat Hooked traces the rise of butchery, or perhaps we might call it neo-butchery, as a hip artisanal industry.

After years of declining interest in small, local butcheries, with consumers ever more reliant shrink wrapped and repacked meat of unknown origin, a trend has developed with thoughtful consumers caring more about the food they consume, it’s provence and the way basic ingredients are prepared.

Meat Hooked looks at this trend with particular reference to the history of butchery in New York City. This relatively short documentary is patchy in parts, well in many parts actually, but it ad something personal and fascinating to the steady of stream of recent documentaries on the food industry. Well worth watching for lovers of food and especially, those fascinated with enjoying a good steak.

About Fernando Gros

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