Monstro (El Monstro del Mar)


Three deadly, sexy, tattooed, retro-glam “chics”wp-image-3710 decide, after a killing spree, to lay low in a quiet, nearly deserted sea-side town, which happens to be haunted by the memory of a disaster involving some kind of as yet unidentified sea-monster. Throw in some all night partying, teen romance, troubled old man by the sea figures, a little gratuitous near-nudity and violent flashbacks and you have all the elements for this short, bloody and thoroughly enjoyable romp.

Writer/director Stuart Simpson serves up the genre film homage straight up in Monstro. There’s a lot of references, visual and thematic, for horror film fans to pick over. But, that’s not to say this is only for horror fans, as anyone who has enjoyed the Tarantino/Rodriguez Grindhouse style will also find a lot to enjoy here.

Sadly, Simpson lacks Tarantino’s flair for dialogue and so some of the more “talky” scenes drag on a little. But, the action sequences, especially the film’s climax, are a lesson in how much can be done with a small budget and skilful editing and camera work. Overall, this is a fun film that does exactly what it sets out to do in a really entertaining way.

About Fernando Gros

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